A Shared Responsibility Matrix is a simple but powerful tool. It clearly shows who is responsible for what in a partnership between a customer and a managed service provider (MSP). This is especially important for CMMC compliance.

Think of a Shared Responsibility Matrix as a checklist that spells out who handles each security task. The Organization Seeking Certification (OSC) has certain duties while the service provider has theirs. Sometimes they share responsibilities. The matrix ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

Managing these shared responsibilities effectively requires clear communication and documentation. Both parties must fully understand their roles and the specific tasks they are responsible for. For CMMC Level 2, the matrix should align with the 320 assessment objectives in NIST SP 800-171A.

Documenting these responsibilities is crucial for CMMC assessments. It demonstrates that all aspects of security and compliance are covered, either by the service provider or the customer. This structured approach not only supports compliance but also reduces the risk of security gaps that could lead to breaches or non-compliance during audits.

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